Thursday, April 4, 2013

Art Elements/ Principles of Design Vocabulary

 Art Elements

Line- A line is an identifiable path of a point moving in space which can vary in

Color- Color is what the eye sees when light is reflected off an object. We see color because some is absorbed and some is reflected. Primary colors include red, yellow, and blue. Secondary colors are orange,purple, and green.

Shape- A shape is a two-dimensional element basic to picture that the audience uses to identify the object in the picture.

Value-The level of brightness of pixel

Texture- Texture creates the feeling of the object.

Volume/Form- Form is the element of art, like you would see in a 3 dimensional sculpture or painting.

Principles of Design

Balance- Balance is an art and design principle dealing with the arrangement of one or more elements in a work of art so that they appear symmetrical {even} or asymmetrical {uneven} in design and proportion.

Harmony- Any simultaneous combination of tones.

Contrast-Contrast is created by using opposites beside or near each other. An example is a light object next to a dark object or a smooth object/texture next to a rough object/texture. 

Movement- The suggestion or illusion of motion in a design, painting, or sculpture.

Rhythm- When the regular repetition of particular forms or elements occurs in a work of art. this work of art has rhythm and suggests movement.

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